Unchain your pain to finally start living again
Have you had a traumatic or unhelpful experience in your life and feel it’s time to ditch any unhelpful responses to finally start living again?
Have you experienced a traumatic or unhelpful experience such as...
- Felt terrified by something that happened, felt completely out of control in a situation, been part of an emergency situation or been a first responder to a major crisis?
- Experienced combat and war or been involved in a serious accident, terrorist attack, natural disaster, or an animal attack
- Experienced a sudden loss
- Faced a serious illness or injury or suffered extreme pain
- Experienced domestic or childhood abuse, bullying, embarrassment or humiliation
- Been on the receiving end of criminal behaviour, stalking or received serious threats or viewed disturbing scenes?
Or are you struggling with...
- Unhelpful emotional or physical responses to distressing memories (broken relationships, shocking news, loss, embarrassment, etc)
- Unhelpful emotional or physical responses resulting from experiences of natural disaster, traumatic events (assault, rape, abuse, crime etc) and also experiences of war
- Unexpected anger responses
- Fear of abandonment, grief, stress, frustration, or upset
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Panic attacks, a phobia or chronic Pain?
We are here to unchain your pain and let go of any unhelpful feelings, thoughts and bodily responses associated with your experience
What our clients have said...
Phenomenal guide
What I loved about the program is its convenience and its open, ethical and honest approach
I would thoroughly recommend Dr Ruth's program. The sessions equipped me with some incredibly simple, yet highly effective and powerful ways in which to reduce trauma and grief!
I am using them daily and have seen some very meaningful shifts in consciousness
Ruth is a phenomenal guide and her care, expertise and professional approach felt really safe and open and a place I could relax and trust.
Peter Mann
1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching
Much calmer now before going to sleep
I feel much more calm before going to sleep. Any triggers I previously faced are now manageable and I don’t feel distressed or anxious as I did before
I am able to disassociate any negative feelings I have with my trauma
It was a very personal approach which made me feel comfortable. Even though I hadn’t had contact with Ruth before the session, it was free flowing and very natural
Chloe Booth
1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching
Left with healing tools
I learned a ton from the coaching. Ruth was flexible and articulated the process clearly and simply
I loved the insights into my past and the education on how to heal from the past
Ruth was kind and compassionate. She educated me on the process and the why for each step
I left with healing and tools to help myself in the future.
Larry Salvatoriello, Founder and President at Arkus
1-1 Trauma Recovery Coaching
Immediate result
This was a great group session. Ruth took us through the steps gently - checking with us all as we went.
The information was well considered and delivered. The teaching of the approach was great.
It's great to get an immediate result and also to now feel equipped to use the approach anytime, anywhere. Thank you Ruth.
Great visualisation
I liked the information about negative thoughts and what the counterbalance to them are.
I loved that I was able to achieve good results in a short time. Great visualisation - it really helped.
Just try it!
Amazing! From sceptic to calmness
I loved how professional the session was and easy to follow.
I was sceptical at first. Now I have done the first session the change I have is calmness.
Do it - amazing!
FACT: When it comes to trauma time doesn't heal, time steals your mind
Holding onto unresolved trauma is one of the worst things you can do. Like an ember, it burns inside your mind. Burying trauma doesn't put it out - it still burns. The longer you leave it the worse it gets.
The more experiences you have that are similar to the initial trauma, the more you add fuel to the fire inside your mind.
Unresolved trauma can wreak havoc on your mind and body due to increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This makes you more susceptible to future stressors and chronic illnesses

The four elements required for a trauma to be encoded in your mind:
A lot of people talk about there being two types of trauma - big Trauma and little trauma
The truth is, size doesn't matter when it comes to trauma. If you have the four elements necessary for a trauma to be encoded in your mind, it doesn't matter how you or others perceive it's importance, the encoding will be there in your mind regardless
Trauma doesn't care about your age, colour, size, shape, gender bias, ethnicity... Trauma is trauma, irrespective of how long ago it happened
The four elements required for a trauma to be encoded in your mind are:
- Event - an event will have taken place, whether you remember it or not, that is significant for your mind. This can be a singular event or in the instance of layered trauma, multiple events, constituting an 'experience.' Traumatic events can be encoded in your mind as soon as your brain comes 'online' in the womb
- Meaning - your mind assigns a particular meaning to that event, in essence it sees the event as a threat to your survival, in whatever form your mind interprets 'survival'
- Landscape - the landscape in your mind is vulnerable to the event being perceived as a threat. For example, you may have experienced similar events that you had encoded as a threat, or something else was happening in your life at the time which increased your vulnerability to having the trauma encoded in your mind
- Inescapability - you perceive the event as inescapable. It doesn't feel safe. You wanted to be able to 'escape' from it, but you could not
Have you been involved in an experience that was significant for you? That felt like a threat? At the time you felt or were vulnerable? You couldn't escape from it?
The chances are you experienced trauma. Are you ready to unchain your pain and quench the fire burning inside your mind, let go of unhelpful emotions and bodily responses so you can start living again?
What makes this coaching different?
This coaching is underpinned by scientifically proven tools and techniques using the Emotional Mindset Management Approach to achieve deactivation of the traumatic encoding in your mind FAST without having to say anything about your experience
During the coaching you will learn how to:
- Recognise the emotions, thoughts, sensations and behaviours that are related to your trauma
- Let go of the traumatic encoding in your mind
- Replace the traumatic experience with positive and uplifting emotions and statements
- Take back control of your mindset
- Managed your emotions going forward
On the fence?
This approach has been described as 'the best treatment for emotionally traumatising experiences and particularly for PTSD.' Dr Sandlin Lowe
What is included?
As part of this coaching you will receive:
- Support focused specifically on the traumatic experience you bring to the session
- Coaching notes, videos and an Ebook to support you on your journey to recovery
- Access to the Wellbeing Warrior Community to share your success stories and support each other on the road to recovery.
Sessions can be delivered at an individual or group level
Who is this coaching perfect for?
- Individuals or communities who have been involved in a recent traumatic or unhelpful experience, such as a natural disaster or terrorist attack, where support is currently unavailable, limited or isn't helping
- Those who have been involved in a traumatic or unhelpful experience where other therapies have failed. Or where, despite the time passing, early traumatic experiences such as those in childhood still affect you
- Individuals who have experienced a trauma, but are unable to talk about it due to the extent of the trauma, a feeling of shame or guilt or confidentiality surrounding the experience
- Children or adults who are finding it hard describe what feelings or sensations are contributing to the trauma or can't pinpoint the origin of the sensations being felt in the present
- Those who continue to experience unhelpful emotional or physical responses to distressing memories (broken relationships, shocking news, loss, embarrassment, grief, etc) and would like support to unchain their pain and live again
Sessions are available at an individual or group level and can be tailored to your specific needs. Please visit The Wellbeing Warrior Academy to find out more about other programs suited to your family or organisational needs, or connect with us directly
What is the requirement to participate in this coaching?
You must be an adult to register for the coaching
For online sessions, you need a computer or a phone with a speaker and microphone and access to the Internet
For online sessions you need to be able to view the screen whilst having access to your hands
If participating in a group session, you will need a notebook and pen to take notes to record your emotional state during the coaching session

Your Coach
Dr Ruth Mary Allan is a Certified Brain Health Professional through the Amen Clinics and Institute for Better Health, Certified Havening Practitioner and High Performance Coach. She is a trained Trauma Risk Management Coordinator for the Military and Mental Health First Aider.
Are you ready to unchain your pain from a past trauma or unhelpful experience? To learn how to let go of unhelpful emotions or sensations that are affecting you mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually? To learn new tools that will serve you now and for the rest of your life?...
Then enrol now!
Need more help?
Not sure what type of coaching is right for you based on your past trauma or unhelpful experience? Seeking support for your school, community or organisation?
No problem. We've got you
Please arrange a FREE 15 minute consultation so we can ensure we provide the right support for you
We are here to support you
Connect with us so we can support you in answering any questions you have and help you find the best solution for you and those you care about!
Through our partnerships with professional service providers in the medical and wellbeing fields, we offer a wide range of services centred around optimising your brain health and wellbeing
Our goal is to support you and those you care about step into their best self
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