How to Amplify Your Redox Signalling Pathways in Your Body and Mind to Support Recovery | E75

podcast May 21, 2023
How to Amplify Your Redox Signalling Pathways in Your Body and Mind to Support Recovery

by Dr Ruth Allan | Released Mon 22 May 23

Jamie is an ex professional footballer, ex Royal Navy sailor and now successful entrepreneur in the area of sport, exercise, health & wellbeing and bio technologies. He is passionate about helping people understand the easy things they can do to benefit their health, while driving the awareness of Cellular health and Redox biology in the U.K. and around the world

In this episode we talk about the fascinating signalling pathways in our body and mind, the redox signalling molecules responsible for supporting our cellular communication and how to amplify the signal strength to enhance our internal communication network and ultimate aid recovery and enhance human performance

As a Reservist officer in the Royal Corps of Signals, I found this conversation absolutely fascinating as Jamie shares the extraordinary capability of a ground-breaking new product ASEA Redox that produces the redox signalling molecules, which is native to our body in liquid and gel form for us to use

This breakthrough health technology developed in the USA has been considered as significant as the breakthrough in penicillin, one of the effects of which is up-regulating glutathione by 800%

In 1998 the Nobel Prize was awarded on Redox signalling molecules, without which we would die within 3 seconds, and post puberty we lose our production redox signalling molecules about 1% a year

Jamie provides some fascinating case studies of those that have used this product to support their healing journey on some significant health challenges

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Listen to Episode 075 from 22 May 23

Disclaimer: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute, or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Connect with Jamie Thomson

Connect with Dr Ruth Allan

  • Visit the Wellbeing Warrior Academy to learn how we can support you, your family and your organisation in taking charge of, and optimising your brain and whole body health
  • Register for Trauma Recovery Coaching to unchain your pain and calm your mind
  • Since this episode was recorded, Dr Ruth Allan has become a partner of ASEA Redox. Use this link to arrange a 15 minute consultation with Dr Ruth Allan to learn more

Related episodes, books, topics and events

Discussed in this podcast

  • 3.28 - Optimal brain health for Jamie - sharpness
  • 6.00 - When Jamie's world wasn't sharp and he was a diluted version of what he could be
  • 14.22 - Jamie's move away from professional football
  • 20.15 - Jamie's journey to discovering ASEA Redox technology via Dave Bradley, ex Manchester United player
  • 29.00 - ASEA Redox as an enabler on the battlefield inside your body
  • 31.00 - The product as a complementary product to supplementation and medication
  • 32.53 - Danielle Matthew's story of recovery from a brain trauma following a car accident, empowering her body to heal
  • 36.46 - Joe's story being paralysed following cancer in his spine and how he was able to recover from the chemotherapy and paralysis and heal from his pressure sores
  • 51.15 - Joe's regain of feeling in his lower limbs from 10% in 10 years prediction by medical professionals to 10% in 10 months using ASEA Redox
  • 57.10 - Using ASEA in conjunction with supplements and medication
  • 58.45 - Leveraging the power of your internal system to support you
  • 59.20 - The challenges in the UK on reaching the market - the need to refocus on prevention.

Please note this show is for educational purposes only. If you need professional support to optimise your brain and whole body health, please contact us directly or speak to a healthcare professional you can trust.

DISCLAIMER: Please always seek the advice of your general practitioner or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

Disclosure: All items marked with a † are hyperlinked to an affiliate program. Dr Ruth Allan takes part in several affiliate programs, designed to provide a way for her to earn fees by linking to other company websites. You are not charged any extra by using these links.

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